..just another pseudonym

Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Dandelion...

There stood a lovely dandelion;

A lovely white brands its flower

Waiting for the right timing;

That strong gust of wind blower


There stood this dandelion;

Tilting with the flow of the current

Helpless by nature itself;

Sowing like any other adherent


There stood the dandelion;

With nothing more to give

As the wind blew it away;

But with memories to live


There stood that dandelion;

With memories and future faith

Enduring all four seasons;

“A determined dedication” one saith


There stood one dandelion;

A tiny shoots but forever mighty

For whosoever blows it apart;

Only return back in full plenty


There stood a dandelion;

Ever confident, yet follows

Timid and petit it’ll ever be;

Yet it will survive the gallows

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